Package-level declarations


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SqlType implementation represents PostgreSQL boolean[] type.

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data class BulkInsertExpression(val table: TableExpression, val assignments: List<List<ColumnAssignmentExpression<*>>>, val conflictColumns: List<ColumnExpression<*>> = emptyList(), val updateAssignments: List<ColumnAssignmentExpression<*>> = emptyList(), val returningColumns: List<ColumnExpression<*>> = emptyList(), val isLeafNode: Boolean = false, val extraProperties: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap()) : SqlExpression

Bulk insert expression, represents a bulk insert statement in PostgreSQL.

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DSL builder for bulk insert or update statements.

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open class BulkInsertStatementBuilder<T : BaseTable<*>>(table: T)

DSL builder for bulk insert statements.

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data class Cube(val x: DoubleArray, val y: DoubleArray)

Represents a box suitable for an indexed search using the cube @> operator. Part of PostgreSQL cube SQL extension.

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data class CubeExpression<T : Any>(val type: CubeExpressionType, val left: ScalarExpression<*>, val right: ScalarExpression<*>, val sqlType: SqlType<T>, val isLeafNode: Boolean = false, val extraProperties: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap()) : ScalarExpression<T>

Expression class represents PostgreSQL Cube operations.

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Enum for 'cube' and 'earthdistance' binary operators.

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Represents a Cube by storing 2 n-dimensional points Part of PostgreSQL cube SQL extension.

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data class DefaultValueExpression<T : Any>(val sqlType: SqlType<T>, val isLeafNode: Boolean = true, val extraProperties: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap()) : ScalarExpression<T>

Default value expression, translated to the default keyword in PostgreSQL, used in insert statements.

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SqlType implementation represents PostgreSQL float8[] type.

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Cube-based earth abstraction, using 3 coordinates representing the x, y, and z distance from the center of the Earth. Part of PostgreSQL earthdistance extension.

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Cube-based earth abstraction, using 3 coordinates representing the x, y, and z distance from the center of the Earth. Part of PostgreSQL earthdistance SQL extension.

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SqlType implementation represents PostgreSQL real[] type.

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typealias HStore = Map<String, String?>

Represent values of PostgreSQL hstore SQL type.

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data class HStoreExpression<T : Any>(val type: HStoreExpressionType, val left: ScalarExpression<HStore>, val right: ScalarExpression<*>, val sqlType: SqlType<T>, val isLeafNode: Boolean = false, val extraProperties: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap()) : ScalarExpression<T>

Expression class represents PostgreSQL hstore operations.

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Enum for hstore operators.

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SqlType implementation represents PostgreSQL hstore type.

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data class ILikeExpression(val left: ScalarExpression<*>, val right: ScalarExpression<*>, val sqlType: SqlType<Boolean> = BooleanSqlType, val isLeafNode: Boolean = false, val extraProperties: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap()) : ScalarExpression<Boolean>

ILike expression, represents PostgreSQL ilike keyword.

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data class InsertOrUpdateExpression(val table: TableExpression, val assignments: List<ColumnAssignmentExpression<*>>, val conflictColumns: List<ColumnExpression<*>> = emptyList(), val updateAssignments: List<ColumnAssignmentExpression<*>> = emptyList(), val returningColumns: List<ColumnExpression<*>> = emptyList(), val isLeafNode: Boolean = false, val extraProperties: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap()) : SqlExpression

Insert or update expression, represents an insert statement with an on conflict (key) do update set clause in PostgreSQL.

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DSL builder for insert or update on conflict clause.

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DSL builder for insert or update statements.

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SqlType implementation represents PostgreSQL integer[] type.

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data class LockingClause(val mode: LockingMode, val tables: List<TableExpression>, val wait: LockingWait)

PostgreSQL locking clause. See

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PostgreSQL locking mode.

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PostgreSQL wait strategy for locked records.

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SqlType implementation represents PostgreSQL bigint[] type.

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Base class of PostgreSQL DSL builders, provide basic functions used to build assignments for insert or update DSL.

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SqlDialect implementation for PostgreSQL database.

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Base interface designed to visit or modify PostgreSQL expression trees using visitor pattern.

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open class PostgreSqlFormatter(database: Database, beautifySql: Boolean, indentSize: Int) : SqlFormatter, PostgreSqlExpressionVisitor

SqlFormatter implementation for PostgreSQL, formatting SQL expressions as strings with their execution arguments.

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SqlType implementation represents PostgreSQL smallint[] type.

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typealias TextArray = Array<String?>

Represent values of PostgreSQL text[] SQL type.

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SqlType implementation represents PostgreSQL text[] type.


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@JvmName(name = "textArrayPosition")
fun arrayPosition(array: TextArray, value: ColumnDeclaring<String>, offset: Int? = null): FunctionExpression<Int>
@JvmName(name = "booleanArrayPosition")
fun arrayPosition(array: BooleanArray, value: ColumnDeclaring<Boolean>, offset: Int? = null): FunctionExpression<Int>
@JvmName(name = "intArrayPosition")
fun arrayPosition(array: IntArray, value: ColumnDeclaring<Int>, offset: Int? = null): FunctionExpression<Int>
@JvmName(name = "longArrayPosition")
fun arrayPosition(array: LongArray, value: ColumnDeclaring<Long>, offset: Int? = null): FunctionExpression<Int>
@JvmName(name = "shortArrayPosition")
fun arrayPosition(array: ShortArray, value: ColumnDeclaring<Short>, offset: Int? = null): FunctionExpression<Int>
@JvmName(name = "textArrayPosition")
fun arrayPosition(array: ColumnDeclaring<TextArray>, value: String, offset: Int? = null): FunctionExpression<Int>
@JvmName(name = "textArrayPosition")
fun arrayPosition(array: ColumnDeclaring<TextArray>, value: ColumnDeclaring<String>, offset: Int? = null): FunctionExpression<Int>
@JvmName(name = "booleanArrayPosition")
fun arrayPosition(array: ColumnDeclaring<BooleanArray>, value: Boolean, offset: Int? = null): FunctionExpression<Int>
@JvmName(name = "booleanArrayPosition")
fun arrayPosition(array: ColumnDeclaring<BooleanArray>, value: ColumnDeclaring<Boolean>, offset: Int? = null): FunctionExpression<Int>
@JvmName(name = "intArrayPosition")
fun arrayPosition(array: ColumnDeclaring<IntArray>, value: Int, offset: Int? = null): FunctionExpression<Int>
@JvmName(name = "intArrayPosition")
fun arrayPosition(array: ColumnDeclaring<IntArray>, value: ColumnDeclaring<Int>, offset: Int? = null): FunctionExpression<Int>
@JvmName(name = "longArrayPosition")
fun arrayPosition(array: ColumnDeclaring<LongArray>, value: Long, offset: Int? = null): FunctionExpression<Int>
@JvmName(name = "longArrayPosition")
fun arrayPosition(array: ColumnDeclaring<LongArray>, value: ColumnDeclaring<Long>, offset: Int? = null): FunctionExpression<Int>
@JvmName(name = "shortArrayPosition")
fun arrayPosition(array: ColumnDeclaring<ShortArray>, value: Short, offset: Int? = null): FunctionExpression<Int>
@JvmName(name = "shortArrayPosition")
fun arrayPosition(array: ColumnDeclaring<ShortArray>, value: ColumnDeclaring<Short>, offset: Int? = null): FunctionExpression<Int>

Returns the subscript of the first occurrence of the second argument in the array, or NULL if it's not present. If the third argument is given, the search begins at that subscript. The array must be one-dimensional.

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Define a column typed BooleanArraySqlType.

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Construct a bulk insert expression in the given closure, then execute it and return the effected row count.

fun <T : BaseTable<*>> Database.bulkInsert(table: T, block: BulkInsertStatementBuilder<T>.(T) -> Unit): Int

Bulk insert records to the table and return the effected row count.

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Bulk insert records to the table, determining if there is a key conflict while inserting each of them, and automatically performs updates if any conflict exists.

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Bulk insert records to the table, determining if there is a key conflict while inserting each of them, automatically performs updates if any conflict exists, and finally returns the specific columns.

Bulk insert records to the table, determining if there is a key conflict while inserting each of them, automatically performs updates if any conflict exists, and finally returns the specific column.

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fun <T : BaseTable<*>, C1 : Any, C2 : Any> Database.bulkInsertReturning(table: T, returning: Pair<Column<C1>, Column<C2>>, block: BulkInsertStatementBuilder<T>.(T) -> Unit): List<Pair<C1?, C2?>>
fun <T : BaseTable<*>, C1 : Any, C2 : Any, C3 : Any> Database.bulkInsertReturning(table: T, returning: Triple<Column<C1>, Column<C2>, Column<C3>>, block: BulkInsertStatementBuilder<T>.(T) -> Unit): List<Triple<C1?, C2?, C3?>>

Bulk insert records to the table and return the specific columns' values.

fun <T : BaseTable<*>, C : Any> Database.bulkInsertReturning(table: T, returning: Column<C>, block: BulkInsertStatementBuilder<T>.(T) -> Unit): List<C?>

Bulk insert records to the table and return the specific column's values.

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@JvmName(name = "earthContainedIn")
fun ColumnDeclaring<Earth>.containedIn(argument: Cube): CubeExpression<Boolean>

Cube contained in operator, translated to the <@ operator in PostgreSQL.

HStore contained-in operator, translated to the <@ operator in PostgreSQL.

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HStore contains operator, translated to the @> operator in PostgreSQL.

@JvmName(name = "containsEarth")
fun ColumnDeclaring<Cube>.contains(argument: Earth): CubeExpression<Boolean>

Cube contains operator, translated to the @> operator in PostgreSQL.

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HStore contains-all-keys operator, translated to the ?& operator in PostgreSQL.

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HStore contains-any-keys operator, translated to the ?| operator in PostgreSQL.

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HStore contains-key operator, translated to the ? operator in PostgreSQL.

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fun BaseTable<*>.cube(name: String): Column<Cube>

Define a column typed CubeSqlType.

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Return a default value for this column, see DefaultValueExpression.

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Define a column typed DoubleArraySqlType.

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Define a column typed EarthSqlType.

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Returns a box suitable for an indexed search using the cube @> operator for points within a given great circle distance of a location. Some points in this box are further than the specified great circle distance from the location, so a second check using earth_distance should be included in the query.

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Returns the great circle distance between two points on the surface of the Earth.

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Define a column typed FloatArraySqlType.

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@JvmName(name = "getValues")
operator fun ColumnDeclaring<HStore>.get(argument: TextArray): HStoreExpression<TextArray>

HStore get-values-for-keys operator, translated to the -> operator in PostgreSQL.

@JvmName(name = "getValue")
operator fun ColumnDeclaring<HStore>.get(argument: String): HStoreExpression<String>
@JvmName(name = "getValue")
operator fun ColumnDeclaring<HStore>.get(expr: ColumnDeclaring<String>): HStoreExpression<String>

HStore get-value-for-key operator, translated to the -> operator in PostgreSQL.

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Define a column typed HStoreSqlType.

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infix fun ColumnDeclaring<*>.ilike(argument: String): ILikeExpression

ILike operator, translated to the ilike keyword in PostgreSQL.

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Insert a record to the table, determining if there is a key conflict while it's being inserted, and automatically performs an update if any conflict exists.

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fun <T : BaseTable<*>, C1 : Any, C2 : Any> Database.insertOrUpdateReturning(table: T, returning: Pair<Column<C1>, Column<C2>>, block: InsertOrUpdateStatementBuilder.(T) -> Unit): Pair<C1?, C2?>
fun <T : BaseTable<*>, C1 : Any, C2 : Any, C3 : Any> Database.insertOrUpdateReturning(table: T, returning: Triple<Column<C1>, Column<C2>, Column<C3>>, block: InsertOrUpdateStatementBuilder.(T) -> Unit): Triple<C1?, C2?, C3?>

Insert a record to the table, determining if there is a key conflict while it's being inserted, automatically performs an update if any conflict exists, and finally returns the specific columns.

fun <T : BaseTable<*>, C : Any> Database.insertOrUpdateReturning(table: T, returning: Column<C>, block: InsertOrUpdateStatementBuilder.(T) -> Unit): C?

Insert a record to the table, determining if there is a key conflict while it's being inserted, automatically performs an update if any conflict exists, and finally returns the specific column.

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fun <T : BaseTable<*>, C1 : Any, C2 : Any> Database.insertReturning(table: T, returning: Pair<Column<C1>, Column<C2>>, block: AssignmentsBuilder.(T) -> Unit): Pair<C1?, C2?>
fun <T : BaseTable<*>, C1 : Any, C2 : Any, C3 : Any> Database.insertReturning(table: T, returning: Triple<Column<C1>, Column<C2>, Column<C3>>, block: AssignmentsBuilder.(T) -> Unit): Triple<C1?, C2?, C3?>

Insert a record to the table and return the specific columns.

fun <T : BaseTable<*>, C : Any> Database.insertReturning(table: T, returning: Column<C>, block: AssignmentsBuilder.(T) -> Unit): C?

Insert a record to the table and return the specific column.

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Define a column typed IntArraySqlType.

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Returns the latitude in degrees of a point on the surface of the Earth.

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Returns the location of a point on the surface of the Earth given its latitude (argument 1) and longitude (argument 2) in degrees.

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fun Query.locking(mode: LockingMode, tables: List<BaseTable<*>> = emptyList(), wait: LockingWait = WAIT): Query
fun <E : Any, T : BaseTable<E>> EntitySequence<E, T>.locking(mode: LockingMode, tables: List<BaseTable<*>> = emptyList(), wait: LockingWait = WAIT): EntitySequence<E, T>

Specify the locking clause of this query, an example generated SQL could be:

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Define a column typed LongArraySqlType.

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Returns the longitude in degrees of a point on the surface of the Earth.

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@JvmName(name = "minusKeys")
operator fun ColumnDeclaring<HStore>.minus(argument: TextArray): HStoreExpression<HStore>

HStore delete-keys operator, translated to the - operator in PostgreSQL.

@JvmName(name = "minusKey")
operator fun ColumnDeclaring<HStore>.minus(argument: String): HStoreExpression<HStore>

HStore delete-key operator, translated to the - operator in PostgreSQL.

@JvmName(name = "minusMatching")
operator fun ColumnDeclaring<HStore>.minus(argument: HStore): HStoreExpression<HStore>
@JvmName(name = "minusMatching")
operator fun ColumnDeclaring<HStore>.minus(expr: ColumnDeclaring<HStore>): HStoreExpression<HStore>

HStore delete-matching-pairs operator, translated to the - operator in PostgreSQL.

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Cube overlap operator, translated to the && operator in PostgreSQL.

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HStore concatenate operator, translated to the || operator in PostgreSQL.

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Define a column typed ShortArraySqlType.

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Define a column typed TextArraySqlType.