Package-level declarations


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Expression visitor interceptor for removing table aliases, used by Ktorm internally.

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Base class of DSL builders, provide basic functions used to build assignments for insert or update DSL.

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DSL builder for batch insert statements.

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DSL builder for batch update statements.

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data class CaseWhen<T : Any, R : Any>(val operand: ColumnDeclaring<T>?, val whenClauses: List<Pair<ColumnDeclaring<T>, ColumnDeclaring<R>>> = emptyList(), val elseClause: ColumnDeclaring<R>? = null)

Helper class used to build case-when SQL DSL. See CaseWhenExpression.

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annotation class KtormDsl

Marker annotation for Ktorm DSL builder classes.

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class Query(val database: Database, val expression: QueryExpression)

Query is an abstraction of query operations and the core class of Ktorm's query DSL.

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Special implementation of ResultSet, used to hold the Query results for Ktorm.

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data class QuerySource(val database: Database, val sourceTable: BaseTable<*>, val expression: QuerySourceExpression)

Represents a query source, used in the from clause of a query.

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DSL builder for update statements.

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data class WhenContinuation<T : Any, R : Any>(val parent: CaseWhen<T, R>, val condition: ColumnDeclaring<T>)

Return type for WHEN function, call its extension function THEN to finish a SQL when clause.

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Utility object that creates expressions of window frame bounds.


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And operator, translated to the and keyword in SQL.

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Order this column or expression in ascending order.

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Wrap this query as Iterable.

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inline fun <K, V> Query.associate(transform: (row: QueryRowSet) -> Pair<K, V>): Map<K, V>

Return a Map containing key-value pairs provided by transform function applied to rows of the query.

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inline fun <K, V> Query.associateBy(keySelector: (row: QueryRowSet) -> K, valueTransform: (row: QueryRowSet) -> V): Map<K, V>

Return a Map containing the values provided by valueTransform and indexed by keySelector functions applied to rows of the query.

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inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> Query.associateByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (row: QueryRowSet) -> K, valueTransform: (row: QueryRowSet) -> V): M

Populate and return the destination mutable map with key-value pairs, where key is provided by the keySelector function and value is provided by the valueTransform function applied to rows of the query.

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inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> Query.associateTo(destination: M, transform: (row: QueryRowSet) -> Pair<K, V>): M

Populate and return the destination mutable map with key-value pairs provided by transform function applied to each row of the query.

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The avg function, translated to avg(column) in SQL.

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The avg function with distinct, translated to avg(distinct column) in SQL.

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Construct insert expressions in the given closure, then batch execute them and return the effected row counts for each expression.

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Construct update expressions in the given closure, then batch execute them and return the effected row counts for each expression.

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Between operator, translated to between .. and .. in SQL.

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Starts a searched case-when DSL.

fun <T : Any> CASE(operand: ColumnDeclaring<T>): CaseWhen<T, Nothing>

Starts a simple case-when DSL with the given operand.

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Cast the current column or expression to the given SqlType.

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Combine this iterable of boolean expressions with the and operator.

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fun count(column: ColumnDeclaring<*>? = null): AggregateExpression<Int>

The count function, translated to count(column) in SQL.

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The count function with distinct, translated to count(distinct column) in SQL.

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Perform a cross join and return a new QuerySource, translated to cross join in SQL.

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The cume_dist window function, translated to cume_dist() in SQL.

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fun <T : BaseTable<*>> Database.delete(table: T, predicate: (T) -> ColumnDeclaring<Boolean>): Int

Delete the records in the table that matches the given predicate.

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Delete all the records in the table.

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The dense_rank window function, translated to dense_rank() in SQL.

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Order this column or expression in descending order, corresponding to the desc keyword in SQL.

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infix operator fun <T : Number> T.div(expr: ColumnDeclaring<T>): BinaryExpression<T>
infix operator fun <T : Number> ColumnDeclaring<T>.div(value: T): BinaryExpression<T>
infix operator fun <T : Number> ColumnDeclaring<T>.div(expr: ColumnDeclaring<T>): BinaryExpression<T>

Divide operator, translated to / in SQL.

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fun <T : Any, R : Any> CaseWhen<T, R>.ELSE(result: ColumnDeclaring<R>): CaseWhen<T, R>
inline fun <T : Any, R : Any> CaseWhen<T, R>.ELSE(result: R, sqlType: SqlType<R> = SqlType.of() ?: error("Cannot detect the argument's SqlType, please specify manually.")): CaseWhen<T, R>

Specifies the else clause for the case-when DSL.

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Finishes the case-when DSL and returns a CaseWhenExpression.

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infix fun <T : Any> T.eq(expr: ColumnDeclaring<T>): BinaryExpression<Boolean>
infix fun <T : Any> ColumnDeclaring<T>.eq(value: T): BinaryExpression<Boolean>

Equal operator, translated to = in SQL.

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Check if the given query has at least one result, translated to the exists keyword in SQL.

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The first_value window function, translated to first_value(expr) in SQL.

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inline fun <R> Query.flatMap(transform: (row: QueryRowSet) -> Iterable<R>): List<R>

Return a single list of all elements yielded from results of transform function being invoked on each row of the query.

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inline fun <R> Query.flatMapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, row: QueryRowSet) -> Iterable<R>): List<R>

Return a single list of all elements yielded from results of transform function being invoked on each row and its index in the query.

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inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Query.flatMapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, row: QueryRowSet) -> Iterable<R>): C

Append all elements yielded from results of transform function being invoked on each row and its index in the query, to the given destination.

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inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Query.flatMapTo(destination: C, transform: (row: QueryRowSet) -> Iterable<R>): C

Append all elements yielded from results of transform function being invoked on each row of the query, to the given destination.

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inline fun <R> Query.fold(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, row: QueryRowSet) -> R): R

Accumulate value starting with initial value and applying operation to current accumulator value and each row.

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inline fun <R> Query.foldIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, row: QueryRowSet) -> R): R

Accumulate value starting with initial value and applying operation to current accumulator value and each row with its index in the original query results.

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inline fun Query.forEach(action: (row: QueryRowSet) -> Unit)

Perform the given action on each row of the query.

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inline fun Query.forEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, row: QueryRowSet) -> Unit)

Perform the given action on each row of the query, providing sequential index with the row.

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Wrap the specific table as a QuerySource.

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Perform a full join and return a new QuerySource, translated to full join in SQL.

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fun <T : Any> CachedRowSet.getGeneratedKey(primaryKey: Column<T>): T?

Get generated key from the row set.

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Greater operator, translated to > in SQL.

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Greater-eq operator, translated to >= in SQL.

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fun Query.groupBy(vararg columns: ColumnDeclaring<*>): Query

Specify the group by clause of this query using the given columns or expressions.

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Greater operator, translated to > in SQL.

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Greater-eq operator, translated to >= in SQL.

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inline fun Query.having(condition: () -> ColumnDeclaring<Boolean>): Query

Specify the having clause of this query using the expression returned by the given callback function.

Specify the having clause of this query using the given condition expression.

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fun <T : Any> ColumnDeclaring<T>.inList(vararg list: T): InListExpression

In-list operator, translated to the in keyword in SQL.

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Perform an inner join and return a new QuerySource, translated to inner join in SQL.

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fun <T : BaseTable<*>> Database.insert(table: T, block: AssignmentsBuilder.(T) -> Unit): Int

Construct an insert expression in the given closure, then execute it and return the effected row count.

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Construct an insert expression in the given closure, then execute it and return the auto-generated key.

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fun Query.insertTo(table: BaseTable<*>, vararg columns: Column<*>): Int

Insert the current Query's results into the given table, useful when transfer data from a table to another table.

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Check if the current column or expression is not null, translated to is not null in SQL.

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Check if the current column or expression is null, translated to is null in SQL.

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Return a new-created Query object, left joining all the reference tables, and selecting all columns of them.

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fun <A : Appendable> Query.joinTo(buffer: A, separator: CharSequence = ", ", prefix: CharSequence = "", postfix: CharSequence = "", limit: Int = -1, truncated: CharSequence = "...", transform: (row: QueryRowSet) -> CharSequence): A

Append the string from all rows separated using separator and using the given prefix and postfix if supplied.

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fun Query.joinToString(separator: CharSequence = ", ", prefix: CharSequence = "", postfix: CharSequence = "", limit: Int = -1, truncated: CharSequence = "...", transform: (row: QueryRowSet) -> CharSequence): String

Create a string from all rows separated using separator and using the given prefix and postfix if supplied.

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fun <T : Any> lag(expr: ColumnDeclaring<T>, offset: Int = 1, defVal: T? = null): WindowFunctionExpression<T>
fun <T : Any> lag(expr: ColumnDeclaring<T>, offset: Int, defVal: ColumnDeclaring<T>): WindowFunctionExpression<T>

The lag window function, translated to lag(expr, offset[, defVal]) in SQL.

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The last_value window function, translated to last_value(expr) in SQL.

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fun <T : Any> lead(expr: ColumnDeclaring<T>, offset: Int = 1, defVal: T? = null): WindowFunctionExpression<T>
fun <T : Any> lead(expr: ColumnDeclaring<T>, offset: Int, defVal: ColumnDeclaring<T>): WindowFunctionExpression<T>

The lead window function, translated to lead(expr, offset[, defVal]) in SQL.

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Perform a left join and return a new QuerySource, translated to left join in SQL.

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Less operator, translated to < in SQL.

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Less-eq operator, translated to <= in SQL.

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Like operator, translated to the like keyword in SQL.

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fun Query.limit(n: Int): Query

Specify the pagination limit parameter of this query.

fun Query.limit(offset: Int?, limit: Int?): Query

Specify the pagination parameters of this query.

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Less operator, translated to < in SQL.

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Less-eq operator, translated to <= in SQL.

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inline fun <R> (row: QueryRowSet) -> R): List<R>

Return a list containing the results of applying the given transform function to each row of the query.

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inline fun <R> Query.mapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, row: QueryRowSet) -> R): List<R>

Return a list containing the results of applying the given transform function to each row and its index.

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inline fun <R : Any> Query.mapIndexedNotNull(transform: (index: Int, row: QueryRowSet) -> R?): List<R>

Return a list containing only the non-null results of applying the given transform function to each row and its index.

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inline fun <R : Any, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Query.mapIndexedNotNullTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, row: QueryRowSet) -> R?): C

Apply the given transform function to each row and its index and append only the non-null results to the given destination.

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inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Query.mapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, row: QueryRowSet) -> R): C

Apply the given transform function to each row and its index and append the results to the given destination.

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inline fun <R : Any> Query.mapNotNull(transform: (row: QueryRowSet) -> R?): List<R>

Return a list containing only the non-null results of applying the given transform function to each row of the query.

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inline fun <R : Any, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Query.mapNotNullTo(destination: C, transform: (row: QueryRowSet) -> R?): C

Apply the given transform function to each row of the query and append only the non-null results to the given destination.

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inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Query.mapTo(destination: C, transform: (row: QueryRowSet) -> R): C

Apply the given transform function to each row of the query and append the results to the given destination.

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The max function, translated to max(column) in SQL.

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The max function with distinct, translated to max(distinct column) in SQL.

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The min function, translated to min(column) in SQL.

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The min function with distinct, translated to min(distinct column) in SQL.

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infix operator fun <T : Number> T.minus(expr: ColumnDeclaring<T>): BinaryExpression<T>
infix operator fun <T : Number> ColumnDeclaring<T>.minus(value: T): BinaryExpression<T>
infix operator fun <T : Number> ColumnDeclaring<T>.minus(expr: ColumnDeclaring<T>): BinaryExpression<T>

Minus operator, translated to - in SQL.

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infix fun <T : Any> ColumnDeclaring<T>.neq(value: T): BinaryExpression<Boolean>

Not-equal operator, translated to <> in SQL.

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Negative operator, translated to the not keyword in SQL.

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Not-between operator, translated to not between .. and .. in SQL.

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Not-equal operator, translated to <> in SQL.

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Check if the given query doesn't have any results, translated to the not exists keyword in SQL.

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Not-in-list operator, translated to the not in keyword in SQL.

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Not like operator, translated to the not like keyword in SQL.

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The nth_value window function, translated to nth_value(expr, n) in SQL.

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The ntile window function, translated to ntile(n) in SQL.

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Specify the pagination offset parameter of this query.

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Or operator, translated to the or keyword in SQL.

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fun Query.orderBy(vararg orders: OrderByExpression): Query

Specify the order by clause of this query using the given order-by expressions.

Specify the order-by clause of this window using the given order-by expressions.

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Use this aggregate function as a window function and specify its window specification.

Specify the window specification for this window function.

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Specify the partition-by clause of this window using the given columns or expressions.

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The percent_rank window function, translated to percent_rank() in SQL.

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infix operator fun <T : Number> ColumnDeclaring<T>): BinaryExpression<T>
infix operator fun <T : Number> ColumnDeclaring<T>.plus(value: T): BinaryExpression<T>
infix operator fun <T : Number> ColumnDeclaring<T>.plus(expr: ColumnDeclaring<T>): BinaryExpression<T>

Plus operator, translated to + in SQL.

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Specify the frame clause of this window using the given bound in range unit.

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Specify the frame clause of this window using the given bounds (start & end) in rows unit.

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The rank window function, translated to rank() in SQL.

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infix operator fun <T : Number> T.rem(expr: ColumnDeclaring<T>): BinaryExpression<T>
infix operator fun <T : Number> ColumnDeclaring<T>.rem(value: T): BinaryExpression<T>
infix operator fun <T : Number> ColumnDeclaring<T>.rem(expr: ColumnDeclaring<T>): BinaryExpression<T>

Mod operator, translated to % in SQL.

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Perform a right join and return a new QuerySource, translated to right join in SQL.

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The row_number window function, translated to row_number() in SQL.

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Specify the frame clause of this window using the given bound in rows unit.

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Specify the frame clause of this window using the given bounds (start & end) in rows unit.

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fun columns: ColumnDeclaring<*>): Query

Create a query object, selecting the specific columns or expressions from this QuerySource.

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Create a query object, selecting the specific columns or expressions from this QuerySource distinctly.

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The sum function, translated to sum(column) in SQL.

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The sum function with distinct, translated to sum(distinct column) in SQL.

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fun <T : Any, R : Any> WhenContinuation<T, R>.THEN(result: ColumnDeclaring<R>): CaseWhen<T, R>
@JvmName(name = "firstTHEN")
fun <T : Any, R : Any> WhenContinuation<T, Nothing>.THEN(result: ColumnDeclaring<R>): CaseWhen<T, R>
inline fun <T : Any, R : Any> WhenContinuation<T, R>.THEN(result: R, sqlType: SqlType<R> = SqlType.of() ?: error("Cannot detect the argument's SqlType, please specify manually.")): CaseWhen<T, R>
@JvmName(name = "firstTHEN")
inline fun <T : Any, R : Any> WhenContinuation<T, Nothing>.THEN(result: R, sqlType: SqlType<R> = SqlType.of() ?: error("Cannot detect the argument's SqlType, please specify manually.")): CaseWhen<T, R>

Finishes the current when clause with the given result.

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infix operator fun <T : Number> T.times(expr: ColumnDeclaring<T>): BinaryExpression<T>
infix operator fun <T : Number> ColumnDeclaring<T>.times(value: T): BinaryExpression<T>
infix operator fun <T : Number> ColumnDeclaring<T>.times(expr: ColumnDeclaring<T>): BinaryExpression<T>

Multiply operator, translated to * in SQL.

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Cast the current column or expression's type to Double.

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Cast the current column or expression's type to Float.

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@JvmName(name = "booleanToInt")
fun ColumnDeclaring<Boolean>.toInt(): CastingExpression<Int>

Cast the current column or expression's type to Int.

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Cast the current column or expression's type to Long.

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Cast the current column or expression's type to Short.

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Unary minus operator, translated to - in SQL.

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Unary plus operator, translated to + in SQL.

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fun Query.union(right: Query): Query

Union this query with the given one, corresponding to the union keyword in SQL.

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fun Query.unionAll(right: Query): Query

Union this query with the given one, corresponding to the union all keyword in SQL.

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fun <T : BaseTable<*>> Database.update(table: T, block: UpdateStatementBuilder.(T) -> Unit): Int

Construct an update expression in the given closure, then execute it and return the effected row count.

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fun <T : Any, R : Any> CaseWhen<T, R>.WHEN(condition: ColumnDeclaring<T>): WhenContinuation<T, R>
inline fun <T : Any, R : Any> CaseWhen<T, R>.WHEN(condition: T, sqlType: SqlType<T> = SqlType.of() ?: error("Cannot detect the argument's SqlType, please specify manually.")): WhenContinuation<T, R>

Starts a when clause with the given condition.

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inline fun Query.where(condition: () -> ColumnDeclaring<Boolean>): Query

Specify the where clause of this query using the expression returned by the given callback function.

Specify the where clause of this query using the given condition expression.

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Create a mutable list, then add filter conditions to the list in the given callback function, finally combine them with the and operator and set the combined condition as the where clause of this query.

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Create a mutable list, then add filter conditions to the list in the given callback function, finally combine them with the or operator and set the combined condition as the where clause of this query.

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Create a default window specification.

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Return a lazy Iterable that wraps each row of the query into an IndexedValue containing the index of that row and the row itself.

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Xor operator, translated to the xor keyword in SQL.