
data class QuerySource(val database: Database, val sourceTable: BaseTable<*>, val expression: QuerySourceExpression)(source)

Represents a query source, used in the from clause of a query.




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constructor(database: Database, sourceTable: BaseTable<*>, expression: QuerySourceExpression)


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the Database instance that the query is running on.

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the underlying SQL expression.

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the origin source table.


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Perform a cross join and return a new QuerySource, translated to cross join in SQL.

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Perform a full join and return a new QuerySource, translated to full join in SQL.

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Perform an inner join and return a new QuerySource, translated to inner join in SQL.

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Return a new-created Query object, left joining all the reference tables, and selecting all columns of them.

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Perform a left join and return a new QuerySource, translated to left join in SQL.

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Perform a right join and return a new QuerySource, translated to right join in SQL.

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fun QuerySource.select(vararg columns: ColumnDeclaring<*>): Query

Create a query object, selecting the specific columns or expressions from this QuerySource.

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Create a query object, selecting the specific columns or expressions from this QuerySource distinctly.