
data class Column<T : Any>(    val table: BaseTable<*>,     val name: String,     val binding: ColumnBinding? = null,     val extraBindings: List<ColumnBinding> = emptyList(),     val sqlType: SqlType<T>) : ColumnDeclaring<T> (source)

Represents database columns.


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constructor(    table: BaseTable<*>,     name: String,     binding: ColumnBinding? = null,     extraBindings: List<ColumnBinding> = emptyList(),     sqlType: SqlType<T>)


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Return all the bindings of this column, including the primary binding and extraBindings.

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val binding: ColumnBinding? = null

The column's primary binding. A column might be bound to a simple property, nested properties, or a reference to another table, null if the column doesn't bind to any property.

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The column's extra bindings. Useful when we need to configure two or more bindings for a column.

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The column's label, used to identify the selected columns and to obtain query results.

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The column's name.

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If the column is bound to a reference table, return the table, otherwise return null.

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open override val sqlType: SqlType<T>

The SqlType of this column or expression.

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The table that this column belongs to.


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open override fun aliased(label: String?): ColumnDeclaringExpression<T>

Wrap this column as a ColumnDeclaringExpression.

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And operator, translated to the and keyword in SQL.

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Order this column or expression in ascending order.

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open override fun asExpression(): ColumnExpression<T>

Convert this column to a ColumnExpression.

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Between operator, translated to between .. and .. in SQL.

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Cast the current column or expression to the given SqlType.

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Order this column or expression in descending order, corresponding to the desc keyword in SQL.

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infix operator fun <T : Number> ColumnDeclaring<T>.div(value: T): BinaryExpression<T>
infix operator fun <T : Number> ColumnDeclaring<T>.div(expr: ColumnDeclaring<T>): BinaryExpression<T>

Divide operator, translated to / in SQL.

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infix fun <T : Any> ColumnDeclaring<T>.eq(value: T): BinaryExpression<Boolean>

Equal operator, translated to = in SQL.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this column. Two columns are equal only if they are the same instance.

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Greater operator, translated to > in SQL.

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Greater-eq operator, translated to >= in SQL.

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Greater operator, translated to > in SQL.

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Greater-eq operator, translated to >= in SQL.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int

Return a hash code value for this column.

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fun <T : Any> ColumnDeclaring<T>.inList(vararg list: T): InListExpression

In-list operator, translated to the in keyword in SQL.

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Check if the current column or expression is not null, translated to is not null in SQL.

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Check if the current column or expression is null, translated to is null in SQL.

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Less operator, translated to < in SQL.

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Less-eq operator, translated to <= in SQL.

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Like operator, translated to the like keyword in SQL.

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Less operator, translated to < in SQL.

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Less-eq operator, translated to <= in SQL.

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infix operator fun <T : Number> ColumnDeclaring<T>.minus(value: T): BinaryExpression<T>
infix operator fun <T : Number> ColumnDeclaring<T>.minus(expr: ColumnDeclaring<T>): BinaryExpression<T>

Minus operator, translated to - in SQL.

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infix fun <T : Any> ColumnDeclaring<T>.neq(value: T): BinaryExpression<Boolean>

Not-equal operator, translated to <> in SQL.

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Negative operator, translated to the not keyword in SQL.

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Not-between operator, translated to not between .. and .. in SQL.

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Not-equal operator, translated to <> in SQL.

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Not-in-list operator, translated to the not in keyword in SQL.

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Not like operator, translated to the not like keyword in SQL.

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Or operator, translated to the or keyword in SQL.

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infix operator fun <T : Number> ColumnDeclaring<T>.plus(value: T): BinaryExpression<T>
infix operator fun <T : Number> ColumnDeclaring<T>.plus(expr: ColumnDeclaring<T>): BinaryExpression<T>

Plus operator, translated to + in SQL.

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infix operator fun <T : Number> ColumnDeclaring<T>.rem(value: T): BinaryExpression<T>
infix operator fun <T : Number> ColumnDeclaring<T>.rem(expr: ColumnDeclaring<T>): BinaryExpression<T>

Mod operator, translated to % in SQL.

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infix operator fun <T : Number> ColumnDeclaring<T>.times(value: T): BinaryExpression<T>
infix operator fun <T : Number> ColumnDeclaring<T>.times(expr: ColumnDeclaring<T>): BinaryExpression<T>

Multiply operator, translated to * in SQL.

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Cast the current column or expression's type to Double.

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Cast the current column or expression's type to Float.

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@JvmName(name = "booleanToInt")
fun ColumnDeclaring<Boolean>.toInt(): CastingExpression<Int>

Cast the current column or expression's type to Int.

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Cast the current column or expression's type to Long.

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Cast the current column or expression's type to Short.

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open override fun toString(): String

Return a string representation of this column.

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Unary minus operator, translated to - in SQL.

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Unary plus operator, translated to + in SQL.

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open override fun wrapArgument(argument: T?): ArgumentExpression<T>

Wrap the given argument as an ArgumentExpression using the sqlType.

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Xor operator, translated to the xor keyword in SQL.