
data class DefaultValueExpression<T : Any>(val sqlType: SqlType<T>, val isLeafNode: Boolean = true, val extraProperties: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap()) : ScalarExpression<T> (source)

Default value expression, translated to the default keyword in PostgreSQL, used in insert statements.

For example:

insert into table (column1, column2) values (default, ?)


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constructor(sqlType: SqlType<T>, isLeafNode: Boolean = true, extraProperties: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap())


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open override val extraProperties: Map<String, Any>
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open override val isLeafNode: Boolean = true
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open override val sqlType: SqlType<T>


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open override fun aliased(label: String?): ColumnDeclaringExpression<T>
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open override fun asExpression(): ScalarExpression<T>
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@JvmName(name = "earthContainedIn")
fun ColumnDeclaring<Earth>.containedIn(argument: Cube): CubeExpression<Boolean>

Cube contained in operator, translated to the <@ operator in PostgreSQL.

HStore contained-in operator, translated to the <@ operator in PostgreSQL.

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HStore contains operator, translated to the @> operator in PostgreSQL.

@JvmName(name = "containsEarth")
fun ColumnDeclaring<Cube>.contains(argument: Earth): CubeExpression<Boolean>

Cube contains operator, translated to the @> operator in PostgreSQL.

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HStore contains-all-keys operator, translated to the ?& operator in PostgreSQL.

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HStore contains-any-keys operator, translated to the ?| operator in PostgreSQL.

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HStore contains-key operator, translated to the ? operator in PostgreSQL.

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@JvmName(name = "getValues")
operator fun ColumnDeclaring<HStore>.get(argument: TextArray): HStoreExpression<TextArray>

HStore get-values-for-keys operator, translated to the -> operator in PostgreSQL.

@JvmName(name = "getValue")
operator fun ColumnDeclaring<HStore>.get(argument: String): HStoreExpression<String>
@JvmName(name = "getValue")
operator fun ColumnDeclaring<HStore>.get(expr: ColumnDeclaring<String>): HStoreExpression<String>

HStore get-value-for-key operator, translated to the -> operator in PostgreSQL.

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infix fun ColumnDeclaring<*>.ilike(argument: String): ILikeExpression

ILike operator, translated to the ilike keyword in PostgreSQL.

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@JvmName(name = "minusKeys")
operator fun ColumnDeclaring<HStore>.minus(argument: TextArray): HStoreExpression<HStore>

HStore delete-keys operator, translated to the - operator in PostgreSQL.

@JvmName(name = "minusKey")
operator fun ColumnDeclaring<HStore>.minus(argument: String): HStoreExpression<HStore>

HStore delete-key operator, translated to the - operator in PostgreSQL.

@JvmName(name = "minusMatching")
operator fun ColumnDeclaring<HStore>.minus(argument: HStore): HStoreExpression<HStore>
@JvmName(name = "minusMatching")
operator fun ColumnDeclaring<HStore>.minus(expr: ColumnDeclaring<HStore>): HStoreExpression<HStore>

HStore delete-matching-pairs operator, translated to the - operator in PostgreSQL.

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Cube overlap operator, translated to the && operator in PostgreSQL.

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HStore concatenate operator, translated to the || operator in PostgreSQL.

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open override fun wrapArgument(argument: T?): ArgumentExpression<T>