
data class WindowSpecificationExpression(val partitionBy: List<ScalarExpression<*>> = emptyList(), val orderBy: List<OrderByExpression> = emptyList(), val frameUnit: WindowFrameUnitType? = null, val frameStart: WindowFrameBoundExpression? = null, val frameEnd: WindowFrameBoundExpression? = null, val isLeafNode: Boolean = false, val extraProperties: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap()) : SqlExpression(source)

Window specification expression.




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constructor(partitionBy: List<ScalarExpression<*>> = emptyList(), orderBy: List<OrderByExpression> = emptyList(), frameUnit: WindowFrameUnitType? = null, frameStart: WindowFrameBoundExpression? = null, frameEnd: WindowFrameBoundExpression? = null, isLeafNode: Boolean = false, extraProperties: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap())


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open override val extraProperties: Map<String, Any>

Extra properties of this expression, maybe useful in SqlFormatter to generate some special SQLs.

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end bound of the window frame.

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start bound of the window frame.

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frame unit indicates the type of relationship between the current row and frame rows.

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open override val isLeafNode: Boolean = false

Check if this expression is a leaf node in expression trees.

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order-by clause indicates how to sort rows in each partition.

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partition-by clause indicates how to divide the query rows into groups.


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Specify the order-by clause of this window using the given order-by expressions.

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Specify the partition-by clause of this window using the given columns or expressions.

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Specify the frame clause of this window using the given bound in range unit.

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Specify the frame clause of this window using the given bounds (start & end) in rows unit.

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Specify the frame clause of this window using the given bound in rows unit.

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Specify the frame clause of this window using the given bounds (start & end) in rows unit.