Package-level declarations
SqlType implementation represents blob
SQL type.
SqlType implementation represents boolean
SQL type.
SqlType implementation represents bytes
SQL type.
Represents database columns.
Base class of column bindings. A column might be bound to a simple property, nested properties, or a reference to another table.
Common interface of Column and ScalarExpression.
SqlType implementation represents date
SQL type.
SqlType implementation represents decimal
SQL type.
SqlType implementation represents double
SQL type.
SqlType implementation represents float
SQL type.
SqlType implementation represents timestamp
SQL type.
SqlType implementation represents int
SQL type.
SqlType implementation represents date
SQL type.
SqlType implementation represents datetime
SQL type.
SqlType implementation represents time
SQL type.
SqlType implementation represents long
SQL type.
Bind the column to nested properties, e.g.
Bind the column to a reference table, equivalent to a foreign key in relational databases. Entity sequence APIs would automatically left-join all references (recursively) by default.
SqlType implementation represents smallint
SQL type.
Base class of Ktorm's table objects. This class extends from BaseTable, additionally providing a binding mechanism with Entity interfaces based on functions such as bindTo, references.
SqlType implementation represents text
SQL type.
SqlType implementation represents time
SQL type.
SqlType implementation represents timestamp
SQL type.
Base class used to obtain full generic type information by subclassing.
SqlType implementation represents uuid
SQL type.
SqlType implementation represents varchar
SQL type.
Define a column typed of LocalDateTimeSqlType.
Define a column typed of DecimalSqlType.
Define a column typed of TimestampSqlType.
Obtain the full generic type information of the reified type argument T, usage: kotlinTypeOf<List<String>>()
Create a TypeReference object which references the reified type argument T.